Following the launch of this new on-line show, focused on the world of improvement and innovation in all sectors, Duxinaroe's MD, David Bovis said ... "It was my great pleasure to be a 'regular panel member' for the 1st i&i show last week. A great topic, excellent guests and the start of what promises to be a very valuable service ... tackling the hard issues to stimulate some deep thinking and an advance on change management. I can't wait for the next one!"
If you missed this first show in which Duxinaroe's David Bovis, David Howells of Pacific International and their guests, Jon Theuerkauf from BNY Melon and Paul Ruggier of Generali discuss the future of software (Robots) further automating tasks in the banking and finance industry, you can catch it again below. Next episodes and topics will be announced here and on The Dux LinkedIn page, Pacific International website and LI page, on our personal profiles David Bovis, David Howells, twitter, FB pages etc. Follow us on these platforms to make sure you see the show each month. |
April 2024