"Humanity will benefit from a basic understanding of psychology and neuroscience."
That is to say, in any education, service or manufacturing organisation, there's a ton of stuff to be known about the brains behind the minds behind the culture, behind the organisational culture behind the strategy ... and... the brains behind the minds behind the successful deployment of that strategy (Top-floor to Shop-floor communication, co-operation, alignment and relations) ...and... the brains behind the minds behind the policy and process changes required to realise that strategy... for improved margin, profit and ROI. I felt like sharing. I hope it helps ... Free 52 page PDF introducing the issues organisations and leaders face when trying to introduce Eastern principles and practices to Western companies. DUX LEAN ROADMAP Extract: This means strategy must be visually managed with the same discipline as 5S, Kanban or piece part presentation, "to consciously reduce assumption" as part of a ‘psychologically aware’ leadership process. To ensure the visual management of strategy is effective and becomes a framework to guide development and the application of the ‘tools’, which improve manufacturing performance, it is essential leaders 'lead by example' in thought, word and deed. Each objective must be broken down into chunks, that people [brains / minds], can associate to and deal with; these ‘chunks’ can then be used as a step by step plan (or ‘road-map’) for organisational development. In essence this is nothing more than any good ‘Goal setting’ course, aware of the psychology and neuroscience behind the principle of 'Toward' and 'Away from' will explain. However, to be successfully applied in practice, those leading must understand more than ‘WHAT’ a psychologically beneficial strategy deployment model consists of. For leaders to be truly effective, they must understand ‘HOW’ and ‘WHY’ this approach works at a deeper level. #strategy #leadership #minds #manufacturing #5s #organisationaldevelopment #leading #process
April 2024