You get the best performance from people who are treated well... So, now all you have to do is work out what it is to treat someone 'well'. To understand what constitutes 'Treating someone well' in the workplace (so you facilitate their best performance; in-line with organisational outcome requirements), you can do worse than understand a whole lot more about the Human Factors than has been available in leadership and change training to date...
Simply put, ALL you have to do is understand what it means to treat people 'well' in psychological terms. Easy!
Easy?... Remember the old saying - A little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. This is a big complex subject. If it were easy, the world of organisational change would have got it right over the last 40 years, but they haven't. The reason we can do a much better job of it today follows significant advances in the world of neuroscience since breakthrough discoveries were made about the function of the brain in 2009. This level of knowledge around change is rapidly becoming the new world view and promises to be the new world order faster than many of the 'fads' that precede this new level of science behind change. Thanks to the recent advances, we can now look at psychology as a science based on empirical data. Change no longer has to be guess work. If you get left behind, your organisatin will most certainly be at a significant disadvantage compared to your competitors! If your leaders want to know more about this side of change, so they are educated and empowered to pursue 'sustainable performance improvement' in your organisation, Duxinaroe have to be the preferred supplier. We are only small, but growing .. and we have been dealing with change at this level for many years. We specialise in making cultures change in terms of Leadership, Lean and Health and Safety. We can offer support through our own associates, or we can educate your internal teams and license our IP for you to Roll it out across your organisation. If this makes sense to you following years of change initiatives that don't seem to sustain, or deliver all that was expected of them ... maybe it's time to look a little deeper, to look at your socio-technical system and commit to knowing more about the psychology behind your organisations performance capabilities. That's what we're her for. Why not call and discuss your requirements? You have very little to lose and a hell of a lot to gain! Speak soon. Contact us Comments are closed.
April 2024